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An emotional novel over the last few years of legendary social reformer Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar and three contemporary young friends.
Set against the vibrant background of late 19th century Bengal, this thrilling novel brings together the glory and the decadence of colonial times.
A fast paced novel of the journey of a destitute young girl ‘Mitu’, who writes a parallel Mahabharata from the perspective of the forgotten transgender prince ‘Shikhandi’.

A magnificent historic fiction set on 16th century India, the war between cruel warrior Kalapahar and a small regional ruler of Bengal.

A thrilling treatise that spans along a great range of time and space, to entwist history and the Puranas with mind bending subplots and the mysterious Amish community.

A iconic historic fiction that brings to life the travails of the dispossessed, especially the women of Bengal in the nineteenth century.

A brave dream of escaping the rat race to start up one’s own venture. The challenges, achievements, failures and feelings of the young generation.

A romantic novel which depicts the struggle of a non Brahmin lady who fights to be priestess of Durga Puja and wants to break all myths.

A thriller deeply intertwined with myths and mystery, from to Khajuraho, it exposes the crevices that are deep rooted in our society from the old times.
An international thriller spread across the old world continent that unearths a horrifying conspiracy to reuse findings of genetic cleansing by Nazi scientists.
A supernatural thriller based on Bhutan, filled with mythological mysticism, urban legends, open chapters of history books looked through the glasses of science and math.

প্রকাশিত হল দেবারতি মুখোপাধ্যায়ের ‘ব্যালান্স শিট’। দেশের ব্যাংকিং সেক্টরের প্রেক্ষাপটে ৪৩০+ পাতার সুবিশাল অদ্ভুত আধ্যাত্মিক উপন্যাস।

সেলুলার জেল। বিপ্লব। বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা। প্রেম। প্রতারণা। প্রতিশোধ। একদল সাহসী বাঙালি। আর সেই হারিয়ে যাওয়া বন্দিনীরা।

Were the Romtha of Lakshman Sen’s Bengal mere warriors, or does the eerie serial killing in present-day Malda hint at a far darker legacy?

Rudra Priyam Series

A thrilling treatise that spans along a great range of time and space, to entwist history and the Puranas with mind bending subplots and the mysterious Amish community.
A thriller deeply intertwined with myths and mystery, from to Khajuraho, it exposes the crevices that are deep rooted in our society from the old times.
An international thriller spread across the old world continent that unearths a horrifying conspiracy to reuse findings of genetic cleansing by Nazi scientists.
A supernatural thriller based on Bhutan, filled with mythological mysticism, urban legends, open chapters of history books looked through the glasses of science and math.
Manufactured Orphan – ‘তৈরি করা অনাথ’ দের নিয়ে বাংলা ভাষায় সর্বপ্রথম উপন্যাস। রয়েছে গোয়া ইনকুইজিশনের ভয়ংকর ইতিহাসও।

Were the Romtha of Lakshman Sen’s Bengal mere warriors, or does the eerie serial killing in present-day Malda hint at a far darker legacy?

Non Fiction

Collection of 12 forgotten spine chilling murder cases of last 200 years India.

Collection of the rise and fall of female and male serial killers of India.

Collection of 6 forgotten spine chilling murder cases of last 200 years India.

Collection of true crimes – from World’s youngest killer to Baby killer.

Story Collections

collection of nine psychological adult thriller novelettes.
Collection of 42 selected and highly acclaimed and popular stories.

Collection of Children stories and novelettes

Competitive Exam Guidance Books

A competitive exam book for Indian Polity, suitable for all Government job competitive exams.


দেবারতি মুখোপাধ্যায়ের যেটুকু প্রয়োজন সিরিজের প্রায় চারশো পাতার অংকের বই Superfast Arithmetic! একেবারে সুপারফাস্ট মেলের গতিতে শুধুমাত্র কনসেপ্ট ইউজ করে অংক করার চাবিকাঠি।

English Books

Seven shockingly true crime cases, from the days of the Mughals to post-Independence India.

Set against the vibrant background of late 19th century Bengal, this thrilling novel brings together the glory and the decadence of colonial times.